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  • Writer's pictureRoman Abeyta

A new member of the Homo family!

For years scientist have tried to find the connection between the last set of the homo genus and the development of humans. During 2013 that link was discover in a South Africa in a Cave called Rising Star Cave system when 2 cavers, Rick Hunter and Steve Tucker, with the guidance of palaeoanthropologist Lee Rogers Bergers, discovered a total of 1550 pieces of bones. Figuring out the exact age of these bones offered my questions than it answered. Is Homo Nadedi a link to Homo Sapiens or is it just a small part of the homo lineage that doesn't lead to a direct connection.

There was 1,550 pieces of bones that belonged to around 15 different bodies that were discovered in the cave but no tools were found in the cave. There was no indication of why these individuals were in the cave but speculation has lead to the possible idea that the cave was used for burials. Although it took a long time for the bones to be properly dated, after identifying how old the rocks inside the cave and by putting the bones through a variety of tests determined the oldest age was 335,000 years old.

A second chamber was discovered a month later in the same cave system that gave more specimens of homo naledi. Some of the specimen pieces that were recovered were preserved remarkably well, the team named the specimen Neo which was preserved as almost as well as Lucy, referring to the completed Australopithecus afarensis from Ethiopia.

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